IEC voting on FDT Standard IEC 62453

April 22, 2008

FDT specification reaches a milestone

The most important target of the FDT Group is to provide the FDT Specification as an open and freely available international standard for the benefit of end users worldwide.

The FDT Group has now made one further big step towards achieving this goal. In the International Electrical Commission (IEC) process for approval of international standards, all parts of the FDT Standard are issued for vote among 19 countries worldwide as a Committee Draft for Vote (CDV). The related working group, IEC SC65E WG4, has done a tremendous job to satisfy two of the most requested requirements by end users: First, the separation of FDT Technology into a platform independent part and the mapping on Microsoft technology into a technical description; second, the addition of a Style Guide description for DTMs.

“The voting period ends in August 2008 and the FDT Group is very confident that the overall vote will be positive.” says Klaus-Peter Lindner, FDT Group Associations and Standards Chairman.

About the FDT Group AISBL

The FDT Group AISBL is a non-profit corporation consisting of over 60 leading process and factory automation companies worldwide whose major purpose is to provide an open and non proprietary interface for the integration of field devices with engineering, automation and asset management systems. In this environment, end users, manufacturers, universities and research organizations are working together to develop the technology, provide development tools, support and training, coordinate field trials and demonstrations, and enable product interoperability.


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